Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Legal Action Against Unauthorised Importers - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1152 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Did you like this example? Legal Action Against Unauthorized Importers Case Summary China phone manufacturer Xiaomi canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t sell its MediaTek made phones in India since an ongoing patents case from Ericsson in the Delhi High Court. But other unauthorized dealers still import the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3G which runs on a MediaTek processor without Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s permission. Ericssonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s lawyers told the Delhi High Court that Xiaomi was selling non-Qualcomm handsets via the website www.xiaomishop.com. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Legal Action Against Unauthorised Importers" essay for you Create order Xiaomi had clarified that they only has the only website which is www.mi.com. Legal Issue in the Case From the case, the issue which appeared is infringement of patents which cause by those unauthorized dealer. Head of India operation of Xiaomi, Manu Jain said that authorized sellers in India are only Flipkart and Airtel. All other retail shops or portals such as www.xiaomishop.com which are selling Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products are doing it without their permission. Some of these portals or retail shops are using à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ name that infringing on Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s trademarks. This is an infringement of trademarks in the issue. Recently Xiaomi is requesting those retail shops and portals to stop selling their devices and close down the unauthorized website and retail shops, or else Xiaomi will be forced to take legal action such as sued them to protect Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s interest. Originally, Xiaomi smartphone werecompletely ban ned in India due to the infringement of patents. However, Xiaomi had successfully convinced that Delhi court that itsQualcomm-powered devices such as Redmi 1S in India. At the same time, Ericsson maintains and insists that Xiaomi must pay a license-fee regardless of the chipset. AlthoughXiaomishop.comis no longer functional, Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s headquarter plans to take with legal action against those other four or five websites also breaching the law which is using the name of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ without their permission. Ericsson denounces and sued Xiaomi that they continued selling their (MediaTek-powered) handsets even after January 8, which is clear law violation in this case. After that, the China-based OEM also said that they stopped selling all their MediaTek-powered devices in India after January 8 through Flipkart which is the only authorized dealer of Xiaomi in Asian countries. There are some Xiaomi-branded devices which are currently available i n India such as Mi4 and Redmi Note 4G with the Snapdragon-powered models, while the Redmi 1S is prohibited since it is powered by MediaTekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s chip. In a bid to diminish IP accusations and further comply with Indianà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s laws, Xiaomi is considering to setup an assembly line in India that produce their product in Indian and sell them. Foxconn from China and Inventec from Taiwan are listed as potential partners, but negotiate and talks are still ongoing. Since Xiaomi wants to expand their business into new markets, it is possible to breaches and meets further legal obstacles of some countries and patent disputes of some competitors. Recently, Hugo Barra, vice president of the International Division of Xiaomi generally acknowledged that IP litigation is an inevitable part of doing business at San Francisco. In order to better defend and protect itself from other infringement of patents, Xiaomi had already amassed about 2,800 patents of its own products i n 2014. In a public statement which Ericsson said that they inquires the Dehli court to appoint a local commissioner or assistant director to examine and censor all Xiaomi smartphones that imported to India and the Dehli court was agreed. Xiaomi announced the temporary order was only valid until March 18. When the court will hold another hearing for the controversy, which it is involves Flipkart and Airtel which are Xiaomis authorized dealer in India. Xiaomi also planned to resort the legal action to protect its own interest from xiaomishop.com. In December, Ericsson said that they tried to talk to Xiaomi about royalties for the past three years but Xiaomi did not give any respond. Outcome Based on the issue above, several concerns will arise mainly for Xiaomi, Ericsson and those aunthorized dealer and unauthorized dealer. Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Concerns Xiaomi had ran into a roadblock last year where its product which consist MediaTekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s processor areban from importing and selling in India due to a patent dispute from Ericsson. Xiaomi lost its 1.5 percent of shares since they canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t sell their MediaTekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s devices in India. At last Xiaomi managed to get the permission to resume its business but only for those device that run on a Qualcommà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s processors but not MediaTekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s processor. Obviously the reason and root that cause of this patent dispute lies on those devices that run on MediaTekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s processor which allegedly infringed Ericssonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s patents on their AMR, 3G, and EDGE technologies. Xiaomi had try their best and putting lots of efforts in defend themselves and spent a lots of money. Finally Xiaomi has successfully managed to get the exemption for selected devices and models which run on Qualcommà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s proc essors that have the licensing agreements with Ericsson. This make Xiaomi has to reintroduce theirRedmi 1Sthat consist Dual-SIM 3G and run with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor. Since the 3GRedmi Noteis prohibited, Xiaomi will try to introduce their latest Redmi Note 4G with single SIM that run on a Qualcomm instead of MediaTekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s processor which been banned in India. The issue happened in India doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t affect the business of Xiaomi, it has continue to expand their business all around the world. Ericssonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Concerns Although Ericsson is not a market leader within smartphone manufacturing anymore, but the company is become a strong dominant force in wireless technology. Ericsson holds around 32,000 patents and 450 of them are in India. Ericsson had sued many companies such as Samsung and Xiaomi to protect its own interest. Ericsson had successfully protects its interest against Xiaomi. They sued Xiaomi for infringement of patent last year and they won the case. The Delhi court which handles the case had come out with a solution. The agreement between Ericsson and Xiaomi has clearly stated that Xiaomi has to pay royalties to Ericsson due to the infringement of patents. Unauthorized Dealerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Concern Xiaomi had warning those unauthorized retail shops and portals to closed down their businesses. Those unauthorized retail shops and portal are selling the Mediatekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s devices in India and cause the infringement of patents. Xiaomi has the right to sue them if they still conducting their business without any acknowledgement from Xiaomi. The portal à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" xiaomishopà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ has closed down because Xiaomi had forced them to do so. There are still 4 to 5 retail shops and portals that still conducting their business and selling Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s products. Authorized Dealerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Concerns The authorized dealers of Xiaomi in India are Flipkart and Airtel are also affected by the infringement of patents. They also were selling the MediaTekà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s devices before the Ericsson has sued Xiaomi. Their businesses are drop since the 3G Redmi Note are banned. Recently they are selling back Xiaomià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s devices that run on a Qualcommà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s processor.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Wireless LAN Benefits and Applications - 1746 Words

INTRODUCTION Wireless networking has numerous benefits. Productivity remarkably enhances due to the higher accessibility to the information resource. Network configuration as well as reconfiguration becomes easier, quicker, and overall less expensive. Nonetheless, this technology also poses new threats as well as brings change in the already existing profile of risk in the information security. Explaining this terminology, as we all know that the communication occurs through the air utilizing the radio frequencies, the inception risk are higher in comparison to the wired networks. In case the messages are not encrypted, or just encrypted having a relatively weak algorithm, then the attacker could very well read it, hence compromising the confidentiality of the data. Though, the wireless networking changes the integrated risks with the various threats towards the security, the objectives of overall security remain all the same as they are with the wired networks: confidentiality preservation, ensu ring integrity as well as maintaining the availability of information including information systems. This paper deals in assisting the concerned users of the wireless technology in performing sound decisions by inculcating them along with the basic understanding related to the some associated threats with the wireless networking as well as their countermeasures. The wide popularity of the wireless Networks is quite a testament relating primarily to their conveniences, costShow MoreRelatedWired Wireless Lans1484 Words   |  6 PagesCompare and contrast wired and wireless LANs. What unique concerns must be addressed by the designer of a wireless networks. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Religious Worldviews Free Essays

Part One: Hindu Worldview (Pantheistic) 1. The Question of Origin – In a Hindu Worldview the question of origin would be pantheistic in nature. A Hindu would believe that they have always been in existence and everything is a part of god. We will write a custom essay sample on Religious Worldviews or any similar topic only for you Order Now God is seen as an impersonal force of nature and this force is in everything and surrounds everything. One can only escape this force through the process of reincarnation and to become one with everything. 2. The Question of Identity – In a Hindu Worldview life is seen as a sacred part of nature. Man’s soul is seen as eternal until he eventually reaches a state of Nirvana. At that time they will become one with Brahman. The goal is to do enough good deeds so that when you die you will return in a higher life form until you reach Nirvana. 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose – In a Hindu Worldview life is to be viewed as an illusion as though one was living in a dream and life around them does not really exist. The goal is to understand this so that you may end the cycle of reincarnation and ascend to a state of Nirvana. 4. The Question of Morality – In a Hindu Worldview god is in everything and everything is in god. This belief will govern how man treats everything and everyone around them. It is ultimately one’s own decision to determine what is right and what is wrong. 5. The Question of Destiny – In a Hindu Worldview one would believe that one’s karma determines how you will return in the next life. If a person has good Karma they will reach a higher level upon rebirth. If one has bad Karma they will return to a lower level, or as an animal upon rebirth. The goal is to reach Nirvana. Part Two: Christian Worldview (Theistic) . The Question of Origin – A Christian believes that God exists and that God always has been and always will be. With this presupposition a Christian believes that he was created by God and that everything that exists was created by God. Whereas a Hindu believes that everything has always existed and is a part of god. 2. The Question of Identity – A Christian believes that because he was created by a Sovereign God he is a special creation of God. God created humans only lower than angels and in His image. God placed the responsibility of caring for His creation in the hands of humans. Hindus believe they are a part of everything in nature and the goal is to become one with Brahman. 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose – A Christian believes that their purpose is to know God. A Christian is to have a meaningful relationship with the one true God. A Hindu believes that their purpose is to end the cycle of reincarnation and reach a state of Nirvana. 4. The Question of Morality – A Christian believes that the guide for moral living is the Bible. Right and wrong are based upon God’s holy standard and not on man’s own perspective. A Hindu believes that they govern what is right and wrong. 5. The Question of Destiny – A Christian believes that by accepting or not accepting Jesus Christ as their savor determines where one will spend life after death. By accepting Jesus Christ as ones savior they will spend eternity in Heaven where they will be in the presence of God forever. If one denies Jesus Christ they will spend eternity in hell forever separated from God. A Hindu believes in reincarnation and Karma. Good or bad karma will determine in what form they will return upon rebirth. The goal is to reach Nirvana. How to cite Religious Worldviews, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

General English free essay sample

Setting: In works of narrative (especially fictional), the literary element setting includes the historical moment in time and geographic location in which a Tory takes place, and helps initiate the main backdrop and mood for a story. Point of View: A particular attitude or way of considering a matter. Theme: The subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a persons thoughts, or an exhibition Style: A particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character Tone: A particular quality, way of sounding, modulation, or intonation of the voice as expressive of some Mbabane feeling, spirit, etc. Perspective: A technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. Bias: A particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, specially one that is preconceived or unreasoned: illegal bias against older job applicants; the magazines bias toward art rather than photography Purpose: The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on General English or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. Argue a case for either the usage of hyperbole or understatement.Which do you think is more effective? More humorous? Explain your opinions, citing examples from the texts. A hyperbole is more humorous but an understatement is a word with more persuasiveness to the understanding Of being taken to effect. 3. Cite examples from the texts youve read in Units 1, 2, and 3 to briefly explain he answers to the Big Questions. A. Unit 1: Can truth change? No! B. Unit 2: Is conflict necessary? Sometimes! C. Unit 3: Is knowledge the same as understanding?No. I think that knowledge means to know several facts and things. However, understanding I think means to be able to tie all of these facts and tidbits together and conceptualize it all. In short, understanding is knowledge taken to the next level. 4. Discuss the role.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Preoperative education and postoperative pain scores in the paediatric patients

Table of Contents Introduction Data collection Methods Measurement tool Method of Data Analysis Evaluation Methods Annotated bibliography References Introduction According to Gehdoo (2004), medical practitioners have historically undertreated children for pain and painful procedures on the assumption that they do not feel the pain or that they forget the painful experiences faster than adults do. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Preoperative education and postoperative pain scores in the paediatric patients specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Gehdoo (2004) further adds that it is absolutely necessary for children to be given an effective pain therapy before and after surgery and as such, it has become an integral part of paediatric practice. The research will seek to find out if preoperative education does in fact decrease postoperative pain scores in paediatric patients. Data collection Methods Like in social s ciences, medicine employs the use of simple data collection methods like direct interviews. The basic collection methods in medicine are the interviews and conversations doctors carry out with their patients. Triangulation is also valuable in medical research but considering the age of the patients and the subtlety of the research, its not very applicable (Abramson et al, 1999). In this case, data will be collected from children on all trials that are conducted with them during their pre and post counselling sessions. Most important here will be the collection of data using the â€Å"cold probe† technique. This will involve collecting data during the first session that paediatric surgeons will have with the patients. The first session when the cold probe is conducted is good because the child will be fresh from surgery hence easier for behaviour analysis to determine if preoperative education did help. Measurement tool Multiple-choice questions will be used in this case. No rman (2002) contends that multiple-choice questions in medical research help in allowing straightforward sampling of the subject under research. The questions will help researchers to fairly and evenly distribute their probe thought the subject under study. They are also efficient in terms of cost and time. Given that patients will have mixed feelings, multiple-choice questions are better placed to capture all data in totality. Norman (2002) adds that they maximize the information attained per unit time in research. Again, the questions are more engaging and will make it easier for patients to express themselves on the subject being discussed.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Method of Data Analysis Descriptive statistics will be used in this research. According to Lang Secic (2006), descriptive statistics are useful because they help in reducing large amounts of data to small descriptive measures. The experiences that these children will go through will be captured through interviews structured to bring out the descriptive element. Though inferential statics may come in handy, their absolute necessity is diminished by the nature of the research. Summary that is guaranteed from descriptive statistics will especially precision in reporting the findings. Evaluation Methods According to Swanwick (2007), evaluation in medicine is the collection analysis and interpretation of information about any aspect in medicine. In this kind of research, Kirkpatrick’s Hierarchy and Evaluation Cycle methods come in handy. However, the evaluation cycle method will be used. The method suits this research since it is all encompassing starting with planning of the activity, preparation, teaching and learning of the activity and most importantly reflection and analysis. However, the Kirkpatrick method may be used as well in analysing this data if necessary. This is b ecause it takes to account the completion of learning or participation of a patient in a program which applies to this research. Its use will be limited though. Annotated bibliography Morton, N.S. (2005). Management of postoperative pain in children. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2007; vol. 92:ep14-ep19. Morton outlines various principles that he believes if followed will help in reducing preoperative pan in children. According to him, medical practitioners need to recognise that children feel pain during surgery hence they need to put in place measure to minimise and moderate it. According to him, doctors need to prevent pain where it is predictable, control the pain and continue controlling it even after discharge from hospital.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Preoperative education and postoperative pain scores in the paediatric patients specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On a larger scale, some of the approache s he recommends in reducing preoperative pain in children. Individualised child centre approach, using the least invasive techniques for he anticipated level of pain, matching technique complexity of surgery and holistic care of emotional and physical attributes of pain. Some of the techniques he advises be used in pre and postoperative pan management include local and regional anaesthesia, systemic analgesia non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of paracetamol. He concludes that an integrated use of the above methods and principles in the past has proven successful in reducing pain in paediatric surgery. References Abramson, H.J. (1999). Abramson Survey methods in community medicine: epidemiological research, programme Evaluation Clinical Trials. London: Elsevier Limited. Gehdoo, R. P. (2004) Postoperative pain management in Pediatric patients. Indian J. Anaesth. 2004; 48 (5) :406-414 Lang, A.T. Secic, M. (2006). How to report statistics in medicine: annotated guideli nes for authors. New York: Tom Hartman. Norman, R.G. (2006). International handbook of research in medical education. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Morton, N.S. (2005). Management of postoperative pain in children. Arch Dis ChildAdvertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Educ Pract Ed 2007; vol. 92:ep14-ep19. Swanwick, T. (2007). Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice. Oxford UK:  John Wiley Sons. This essay on Preoperative education and postoperative pain scores in the paediatric patients was written and submitted by user Levi Noel to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Elderly Suicide

Free Essays on Elderly Suicide Elderly suicide is becoming a major problem in today's society. A case study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in January of 1996, proposed that the suicide rates among people age 65 and older has increased since 1980 (Devons, 1996). A study conducted in 1991 showed the suicide rates among the elderly were also 50% higher then those among younger people. Many people in society, however, still tend to devote much of their attention toward younger people who commit suicide (Futurist, 1991). Something needs to be done to get people to focus on elderly suicides, to save the lives of our grandparents and great-grandparents. After all, they hold the key to our future, with their good advice and words of wisdom. Elderly people have a greater desire to die and to insure that the act will be fatal. Compared to younger people who attempt suicide, elderly people are four times more likely to be successful (Leo, 2001). Most often, elderly people who attempt suicide truly want to die, while younger people who attempt suicide are usually calling for help or attempt the act as a way to manipulate their family and/or friends. Elderly people are not angry, nor do they want revenge. They simply want to leave the world and feel the peace that death will give them (Glass, 1993). Most elderly suicides take place at home while they are alone. Suicide notes may be left behind for family members, providing information regarding what to do with remaining finances, and information regarding his/her burial wishes. It usually gives no clue, however, as to why the person committed suicide (Leo, 2001). The number of suicides committed by the elderly may be greatly underestimated for a number of reasons. Some being: 1) they may overdose on prescribed medications which may go unreported, 2) they may commit what Devons referred to as "chronic" or "passive" suicide, which is when a person loses the will to live and stops taking care o...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Sentence Variety (Portfolio 6) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sentence Variety (Portfolio 6) - Essay Example e. More quickly than expected, the economy may recover if home values climb. 1. Looking wearily into the cameras of US government photographers, the Dust Bowl farmers represented the harshest effects of the Great Depression. 2. The Trans Alaska Pipeline was completed in 1977 and sine then it has moved more than fifteen billion barrels of oil. 3. Habitually, Mr. Guo dresses in loose clothing and canvas shoes for his wushu workout. 4. Throughout a firefighter training maze, a number of obstacles are strategically placed. 5. Ian McKellen is a British actor who made his debut in 1961. He was knighted in 1991. He played Gandalf in the movie trilogy The Lord of the Rings. S7-2 Requiring patience and precision, making architectural models is a skill and an art that illuminates a design. Architects come up with a grand and intricate vision and draftspersons convert that vision into blueprints. Following the blueprints, the model maker then builds a miniature version of the structure. Working in traditional materials like wood, clay and paint, modelers also use newer materials like Styrofoam and liquid polymers. Modelers also still use cardboard, paper and glue, and some prefer glue guns, deformable plastic, and thin aluminum and brass wire. In the early stages of model building, the modeler may seem to be making a small mess but in the end, has completed a small-scale structure. Architect Rem Koolhaas has insisted that plans reveal the logic of a design, arguing that models expose the architect's vision. Art designed by the model maker makes this vision real. My Favorite Past time Soaking up the sun, laying poolside and lathered up in suntan oil, one of my favorite past times happens every summer. Though I wish I could visit water parks all year long, there is a few set months out of the year for me to partake in the splashing of water, enjoying the warmth of the day's weather. As a young child, I can recall visiting a water park every now and then with my parents or o ftentimes, my friends and their parents. Today, it still takes me back to simpler days of leaving all cares behind me and just enjoying some rest and relaxation. Now that I am older, I get somewhat annoyed by the young screaming children as I hope to just enjoy my peace and warmth. However, I realize that I too was once one of those giddy squealing children, excited by the mist of the water sprinkling umbrellas among other features of the water park. I can recall the long slides and the anxiousness I had when I climbed into the enclosed tube slide, sliding downward awaiting the huge splash on the other end. I remember chasing the other kids while the lifeguards yelled, â€Å"Stop running!† I remember the fearless feeling I had when I first took the climb up those never-ending steps of the ladder to the top of the high dive, knowing I could not back out without looking like a chicken. Back then, it was exciting and a place of a child's bliss. Today, it has a different meaning. Now, when I visit water parks, I hate to be the big 'ol kid that still is anxiously awaiting my turn on the slide. However, I do it anyway. I like the wave pool still because, thought I no longer splash through it shrieking, I can sit on the water's edge and stay cool while working on my tan. I no longer run giddy underneath the sprinkling umbrella, screaming at the top of my lungs but instead laugh at the young ones that will someday look back and cherish memories similar to the ones I do now. I actually want

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The common drivers contributing to employee satisfaction at a later Dissertation

The common drivers contributing to employee satisfaction at a later stage in Hong Kong - Dissertation Example Primary data has been collected by the researcher through questionnaire from employees that are at their later part of their career. This data has been analysed by the researcher using regression analysis and correlation techniques. The findings of the research study have revealed that recognition is the most important factor that can be helpful in increasing the employee satisfaction level. Compensation has been found as the second most important factor. Other factors such as job longevity and identity also have a positive impact on employee satisfaction though these are not as important as the other two. Table of Contents Abstract 1 1. INTRODUCTION 4 1.1. Background Information: 4 1.2. Research Problem: 4 1.3. Purpose of the Study: 4 1.4. Significance of the Study: 4 1.5. Research Questions: 5 1.6. Scope of the Study: 5 1.7. Dissertation Outline: 5 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1. Introduction: 7 2.2. What is Employee Satisfaction? 7 2.3. Factors that Lead to Employee Satisfaction: 8 2. 4. Work Satisfaction and Gender 11 2.5. Work Satisfaction and Age 12 2.6. Job Satisfaction Theories 14 2.6.1. Content theories 15 2.6.2. Process Theories 22 2.7. Relationship between Employee Satisfaction and Performance: 26 2.9. Summary: 28 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: 29 3.1. Introduction: 29 3.2. Research Objective: 29 3.3. Purpose of Research: 30 3.4. Research Approach 31 3.5. Research Strategy 31 3.6. Research Method 32 3.7. Conceptual Framework 33 3.8. Variables under Investigation: 33 3.8.1. Dependent Variable: 34 3.8.2. Independent Variables 34 3.9. Collection of Data 34 3.9.1. Sources of Data 35 3.9.2. Population Selection: 36 3.9.3. Sample Method Selection   36 3.9.4. Sample Method   36 3.10. Hypothesis 36 3.11. Ethical Issues 37 3.12. Data Analysis: 38 3.14. Limitations 39 3.15. Summary 39 4. DATA DESCRIPTION 41 4.1. Analysis of ‘Questionnaire for Employees’ 41 4.2. Analysis of Questionnaire for Managers 50 5. DATA ANALYSIS 60 5.1. Introduction: 60 5.2. Analy sing the Data Using Regression Analysis 60 Analysing each of the independent variable one by one 60 Analysing all the independent variables at the same time 67 5.3. Summary 75 6. DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 76 6.1. Introduction 76 6.2. Discussion 76 6.3. Conclusion 76 6.4. Recommendations 78 6.5. Contributions 78 6.6. Limitations 78 6.7. Further study 79 List of References 80 APPENDIX A 89 APPENDIX B 94 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Information: An individual or a person passes from different phases or stages during his or her whole career. It is important to acknowledge here that the level of employee satisfaction and motivation is different at different phases of careers. There can be different factors responsible for the difference in the level of the employee satisfaction and motivation at different phases of careers. It is important for the HR mangers and organisations to identify the factors which contribute to the employee satisfaction at different phases of careers (Ulrich and Brockbank, 2005). This research study will explore and investigate the factors responsible for the employee satisfaction at later stage of their career in Hong Kong. 1.2. Research Problem: The research problem which will be investigated in this research study is related to the factors and elements which are responsible for motivating and satisfying the employees at the later stage of their careers. It is im

Monday, November 18, 2019

Virgin Mary of Guadalupe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virgin Mary of Guadalupe - Essay Example Mary was at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified, and from then on she has been known as the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Mary lived for years after the crucifixion, and according to the traditions of the Church, told by the early Christians, she was instrumental in the formation of early Christianity, helping and even counseling the members. After her physical death (the Catholics believe that there is life after death), she is believed to have appeared in many instances. She is now ascribed to so many names, depending on the places where she appeared. Such places that are popular and favorite amongst the Catholic faithful are the Fatima (Our Lady of Fatima), Lourdes in France (Our Lady of Lourdes), then the recent Our Lady of Medjugourje. Our Lady of Guadalupe is also very popular in many countries. In the Philippines, the Patroness is the Virgin Mary and many replicas of Our Lady of Guadalupe are placed in churches for the faithful to venerate. She is also known as the Immaculate Conception, the image of this bears the words: "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recoursed to thee." The feast of the Immaculate Conception is on December 8. ... We see in Mary the figure of the woman from the beginning whose offspring will strike at the ancient serpent's head (Gen. 3:15). (365 Days with the Lord) But the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is on December 12. In 1999, Pope John Paul II, in his homily from the Solemn Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, during his third visit to the sanctuary, declared the date of December 12 as a Liturgical Holy Day for the whole continent. The apparition of Virgin Mary of Guadalupe is one popular among the faithful throughout the world, and is attributed for cures and conversions, especially among the Indians of Mexico. Throughout the world, several replicas have been made of the original image of the Virgin Mary that showed in the tilma as the visionary Juan Diego presented this to the Spanish Bishop Fray Juan de Zumrraga. The origin of the name "Guadalupe" is controversial. According to a sixteenth-century report, the Virgin identified herself as Guadalupe when she appeared to Juan Diego's uncle, Juan Bernardino. It is also suggested that "Guadalupe" is a corruption of a Nahuatl name "Coathlaxopeuh", which is translated as "Who crushes the serpent". The serpent referred to is Quetzalcoatl, one of the chief Aztec gods, whom the Virgin Mary "crushed" by inspiring the conversion of indigenous people to Catholicism. (Wikemedia). In the Immaculate Conception image, the Virgin is seen crushing the head of the serpent (Satan) and this is reflective of the Old Testament, when God sent Adam out of paradise, and made a future reference of the Virgin crushing the head of the serpent. Mara Guadalupe, or just Lupe, is a common female and male name among Mexican people or those with Mexican heritage. (Wikemedia) An account of the apparition states that on

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Roles Of Mainstream Media

The Roles Of Mainstream Media The roles of mainstream media have been widely speculated. Some say the mainstream media act as a tool used to relay the government or corporate propaganda (Galt, 2011: http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/2011/08/25/words-that-merriam-webster-dictionary-left-out-of-the-2011-u-s-edition/) while others say it simply transmits information that is of the interest of the public. However, many skeptical scholars unanimously agreed that the mainstream media is a media organ that censor the dissemination of news by distorting information through the use of bias photos, placement bias and other forms of deception that mislead viewers into drawing incorrect conclusions (conservapedia, 2012). All in all, mainstream media are generally being perceived as an avenue for the government or controlling group to push out their policies and assume that the idea proposed generally reflects the prevailing thoughts of the majority. Diverse opinions on the effects of mainstream media The history of mass media can be traced back thousands years ago. Studies after studies reviewed that the media possess unfathomable effects. Some scholars perceive media as an invasive, malignant and cancerous force, having direct effects on viewers (manipulate them) while some scholars such as Paul Lazarsfeld believed that media had rarely direct influence on individuals. The introduction of Mass Society Theory, Magic Bullet Theory, Middle-range Theory, Critical Theory and many more further reinforces the idea that media plays an integral part in our lives, although some theories have been rejected as time goes by. Far-sighted figure such as Adolf Hitler foresees the potential of media and thus, uses the radio (a mainstream media) to influence peoples belief and ultimately pushes them to act in accordance to his whims and fancies. Although Hitlers action is one with ill-intentioned, it has proven to the world the capability mainstream media. Mainstream media is comparatively more influential than alternative media as it is the most sought after media by the majority and thus, more people are more susceptible to mainstream media. Ownership of mainstream media in Malaysia Once you understand how powerful the media can be, it is not surprising to see media literates fighting over the ownership of media. The notion Those who own the media own the minds of the people extracted from Karl Marxs greatest ideology once again reinforces how capable media is. With this in mind, the Malaysia government adopted the authoritarian theory by being involved directly in the States media ownership. Many media outlets are owned by individuals who have connection to the ruling coalition BN. The ruling party justify their ownership in the mainstream media as an effort aligned with the New Economic Policy that aims to assure the participation of Bumiputera in mainstream industry and to ensure the economic growth of the nation under the leadership of the elite group. The government or ruling party acquires or controls these media companies through various investment arms. The following list out some of the ownership of the mainstream media in Malaysia: In the newspaper industry, the New Straits Times Press (NSTP) that publishes the New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro is a subsidiary of the Fleet Holdings, an investment arm of UMNO while The Star newspaper turns out to be one of MCA most invested property (Zaharom Nain, Mustafa K. Anuar, 2008). In the TV sector, TV3, Malaysias first private TV station too is under the control of 4 prominent political figures, known to be closely related to the previous Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim (Zaharom Nain, Mustafa K. Anuar, 2008). Meanwhile the Natseven TV Sdn. Bhd. or commonly known as NTV7 is owned by the Chairman of ENCORP Group, Datuk (Dr. Effendi Norwawi) who happened to be Malaysias former Minister of Agriculture. Furthermore, the government also extended their reach in the satellite broadcasting field as Astro and Measat 1 are jointly owned by the Binariang Sdn. Bhd., headed by T. Ananda Krishnan, a manufacturing and horse racing tycoon who is a close friend of the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (The Star, 9/1/1996) Based on the list of ownership mainstream media in Malaysia, it is evident that the Malaysia mainstream media has never gone out of the ruling coalitions sight. For the past 50 years, the media was and is still closely related to the local authority. This clearly shows that the mainstream media in Malaysia is closely related to the system of power and authority. Media is owned through political connection and that they have a say in the content of media by only allowing content that favours the ruling coalition. With ownership of media in hand, media has been regarded as the ultimate tool to reach out to mass audiences. Role of Malaysias mainstream media What is the role of mainstream media and how it operates lies significantly in the hands of the owner of that particular media. The trendsetter ultimately determines the direction of the mainstream media and its content. For instance, what it wants the media to show to the public and what it wants the media to do, i.e. promote government policies. In Malaysia, the mainstream media is a pro-government tool. Due to the polarized system, media operators are bound to abide to the higher management, in other words, the government. If they do not do so, they might face charges under the Sedition Act, Printing and Press Publication Act, Official Secret Act and other related laws that govern the interest of the governing elites. This modus operandi of mainstream media is to advocate the government in sending the nations messages across to the masses. top-down hierarchy has further inhibited the voices of the opposing party. The statement that mainstream media in Malaysia been perceived as an important agent of change for most of the governments policies is undoubtedly true. According to Zaharom Nain and Mustafa K. Anuar (2008) from the very first Malaysias newspaper, The Prince of Wales Gazette to the launching of Malaysias first broadcast satellite, Measat 1, the ownership of mainstream media never leaves from the sight of political figures. As such, the mainstream media has been fully utilized as a means to propagate the nations policies. From the NEP in 1969 to Look East Policy in the up till Vision 2020 and now the latest and most bandied about policy 1 Malaysia. Study reveals that media is the key player in portraying the image of 1Malaysia (Hanita Hassan, Hadina Habil, Noor Aireen Ibrahim). Further, in their research on the roles of media in realizing unity in diversity, they believe that media has a powerful capacity to educate the public on the importance of unity by promoting cross-cultural understanding, tolerance and acceptance of other cultures and religion, the media is thus is the perfect means of communication between the public and the government. 1 Malaysia 1 Malaysia concept was introduced by our sixth Prime Minister, YAB Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak on 16 September 2010. It is an on-going program where it involves all Malaysians to be united so that Malaysia can become a more harmonious, peaceful and efficient country. For this concept to be successful, it is important that all people cooperate as one but not as Sarawakian or Sabahan. 1 Malaysia concept must be applied and practiced all the time to ensure the values of acceptance, mutual understanding and the sense of belongings is engrained in each and every Malaysians mind. According to YAB Dato Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the 1 Malaysia reflects how we see, how we act and how we think as Malaysians. As such, the government takes actions based on the needs of all ethnic groups in our country. No race shall be left out and all decisions made will not oppress one another. The concept of One Malaysia is based on the principle of People First, Performance Now, which mean the government will think from the peoples perspective, put the people as their first priority and only carry out programme that benefits the people. Performance now denotes that the government emphasizes on producing productive results, stresses on the workers efficiency in carrying out designated task as well as how fast and well government servants can complete a certain duty within a given timeframe. Furthermore, the One Malaysia concept also highlights 8 core values, namely perseverance (preserve harmony and peace), acceptance (show tolerance in other races lifestyle, religious practices and food), education (the learning of the national language), integrity (uphold the principle of being ethical and honest), meritocracy (appreciate talented personnel), humility (be humble at all times), loyalty (pledge to serve the country and its people) and the culture of excellence (rich in culture and show commitment beyond ordinary). One way of making the concept known is by the means of media. Media is the best tool to reach out to the public. According to S. Ramasubramaniam, he believed that the media has the potential to influence the desired racial attitudes especially for ethnics with minimal inter-racial direct contact. Ways to encourage the acceptance of 1Malaysia concept From NEP to Look East Policies to Vision 2020, these policies have been so widely published in almost all mainstream media. As mentioned above, mainstream media has been effectively made use of to spread the governments convictions, in this case, the 1Malaysia concept. They use several methods to coerce, pacify and encourage the public in general to accept 1Malaysia. use aggressively Repetition Lets take The Star as an example: The Star published all sorts of news revolving around the 1Malaysia concept in an exaggerating rate. For example, the establishment of 1Malaysia clinics, introduction of 1Malaysia aid schemes and the ceremony of 1Malaysia Family Day celebration. Besides, the pictures of the current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak have also been featured all the time, appearing in almost every day newspaper. On the other hand, TV stations such as RTM 1, RTM 2 and TV3 replay video clips and Public Service Announcement (PSA) pertaining to 1Malaysia concept. Even the radio stations shove the 1Malaysia concept down our throat by repeating the 1Malaysia song and messages. Frequent exposure to the 1Malaysia concept is a long term planning effort by the government. The media resorts to this method as they believe that through repetition, the public will be able to familiarize themselves with the concept and eventually take in the concept and further practice it in daily lives. Furthermore, the government uses the mainstream media because they believed in Rogers diffusion of innovation theory whereby people at large will eventually accept 1Malaysia concept after going through the 5 stages in the diffusion process. At first, the public will be aware of the 1Malaysia concept as it has been widely publicized in the mainstream media. However, being aware is simply not enough. The concept is to be believed will be accepted by a very small group of innovators who are usually heavy media users. This trend will later on be followed by opinion leaders (early adopters) who will try to comprehend the concept themselves and if these leaders find the concept beneficial, they will eventually encourage their friends (early majority) to accept the concept. The snowball effect continues through word of mouth and reaches the late majority. After an extensive period of time, even the laggards will join in the bandwagon. Therefore, 1Malaysia concept must be aired as frequently as possible and over a significant amount of time in order of this theory to sink into the minds of the people. Biased reporting Secondly, mainstream media are used to encourage the acceptance of 1Malaysia by portraying good sides of 1Malaysia concept. Parts of propaganda techniques are used in this context for example, the plain folks technique under special appeals. 1Malaysia concept has generally been regarded as an ideology that is created for the people. The notion We stand, we think and we act as Malaysians as envisaged by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is commonly feature in the mainstream media. It carries the meaning that all people are together as one but not as separate individuals as Sarawakian or Sabahan. Besides, news featuring on citizens benefiting from the 1Malaysia aid scheme, 1Malaysia book vouchers, 1Malaysia housing loan and the list goes on and on is ubiquitous. Besides, the mainstream media also uses transfer to associate 1Malaysia concept to a peaceful, harmonious country whereby everyone is entitled to enjoy equality. In addition, mainstream media are also used testimonial technique by quoting prominent figures, usually political figures of the National Frontier who are in support of the 1Malaysia concept. Apart from that, based on priming effects, the media believes that how 1Malaysia concept is being presented in the media will eventually heighten the likelihood that people will develop similar thoughts about those things in the real world. To translate it into the present context, the mainstream medias constant portrayal of the positive side of 1Malaysia concept will indirectly shape how the public in general perceives 1Malaysia. Therefore, as long as the media portray 1Malaysia as something good, beneficial and serve the interest of the public, 1Malaysia concept will be widely acceptable by the citizens of Malaysia. Other than that, the mainstream media also try to coerce the public into accepting the 1Malalaysia concept through advertisements and video clips that uses the appeal to fear. Local TV stations such as TV1, TV2 and TV3 air the Bersih 2.0 turned riot video clip over and over again as if to convince Malaysians that this will not happen if we were to embrace the 1Malaysia concept. As such, it indirectly sends out a message that 1Malaysia acts as a reassurance that riots will not happen as 1Malaysia concept emphasizes extensively on maintaining peacefulness and harmony The mainstream media highlight the 1Malaysia concept during ethnic festivals. It symbolizes us getting together and form a bandwagon. This is what people are doing and so should you. It is another way of the government to urge the public to assimilate the 1Malaysia concept. This scenario display people get together to uphold the 1Malaysia concept. Excessive use of logo, slogan The mainstream media also uses the 1Malaysia logo and slogan in a wide-ranging manner. According to Hanita Hassan, Hadina Habil, Noor Aireen Ibrahim, symbols are strong identification marker as it symbolizes the 1Malaysia concept and symbols or visuals are to be believed that leaves generally a greater impact than words. Flipped through the newspaper for example and you will see plentiful of 1Malaysia logo together with its most bandied about slogan: People first, Performance now (translated from Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan). By repeatingly use of these logo and slogan, it aims to intrude into our sense of vision, thus, leave behind an impact. Introduction of new sections Other than that, The Star even allocates a special section, dedicated to events or programmes concerning the 1Malaysia concept. Specialized website 1malaysia website catering for this Concept that is of utmost importance to the extent, they allocate a new section to cover on 1Malaysia news Uses Agenda-setting theory as benchmark- 1Malaysia is covered frequently and prominently, the public will regard the issue as important. Therefore, government take advantage / exploit the media to implant the concept into the peoples mind. Discussion Despite all the efforts by the mainstream media, the question whether the mainstream media has successfully generated the desired outcome of the 1Malaysia concept remains arguable. It cannot be denied that the mainstream media has effect on the citizens of Malaysia. It does leave impact behind but only to a certain extent. The effects of mainstream media generally affect the average people. These average people are usually made up of those who are illiterate, living in rural or maybe suburban area whereby they do not have adequate access to the outside world except amenities provided by the government. Since these people are being confined in the comfort zone built by the government, they will only see from the perspective of the government, which is how 1Malaysia concept benefits the people. In order for 1Malaysia concept to be accepted, people must first believe in the concept itself. Government try to persuade people into accepting the concept but is it the wisest choice to use media? In my opinion, I am not convinced as the media ownership are under the control of the government. Hence it does not give me a comprehensive, transparent report on what 1Malaysia concept is all about. All we see are the good sides of the 1Malaysia. All things are bound to have its pros and cons. It makes us question the integrity of the media Whatever is reported tend to be biased, Confrim the statemet above: (methodÆ’Â   bias These owners of mainstream media are all political figures / associates who is closely related The truth monopolize the media industry. politically used-entity. Loses its credibility in reporting nothing but the truth.. 1 for people to trust them wan people to embrace the 1Malaysia and work together as one. Tyrannical make people question the integrity, accountability, reliability and credibility of media. How far can people trust the media which is publicly known to be government-sided? However, mainstream media is not almighty! Audiences are not passive in nature. They have a free choice. Even though Malaysians are deprived of their freedom of speech but we do have the freedom of choose. This freedom is further supported by the selective process whereby audiences can choose to expose to selected media outlet, choose to remember what is meaningful and the choice to alter the meaning to make to consistent with our pre-existing beliefs. Not do what they are told without comprehending Deemed to chg due to personal predisposition and strongly held beliefs. It is not necessary that they must be exposed to the mainstream media. With the advent of technology, the Internet has opened up a wide array of alternative media catering to different needs of the audience. This has allow audience to look for Malaysia Kini exposes the hidden truth behind government policies and several other socio-political blogger for example Marina Mahathir. So does the mainstream media achieved what it wanted frequently has put people off. Tend to switch channel. will be able to look elsewhere for sources of information. selective exposure, retention and perception Macroscopic political economy denotes that media institution has been turned into a selling commodity. Æ’Â   question put people off With Æ’Â   This is exactly what the Malaysian government is doing. Critical theory explains that the dominant group, i.e. government, maintain its status quo by exerting control on the people via Repressive State Approach (RSA) and Ideological State Approach (ISA) and media is a form of ISA Those who know operations of media not easily susceptible to the media as they themselves know the dirty tricks, laws, acts and vicious cycle repeating itself question the integrity, accountability, reliability and credibility of mainstream media. Question that govet intention. 1malayisa= media practices democratic-participant theory that advocates media support for cultural pluralism at a grass root level , to stimulate and empower pluralistic group. developmental theory call for government and the media to work hand-in-hand to ensure that media assist in the planned, beneficial development of a country. In short, mainstream media have effect on So back to the question: is I would say not. Unless the ownership of media is dissolved and is equally shared among the community, separate it as an independent entity, only then can be put our faith into the mainstream media. due to credibility, accountability, reliability. However boundaries between mainstream media is getting vague as time goes by as one new media emerges, media ownership has changed. Doubts are arising as media now portray what is desired by the controlling group instead of the voice of the masses (Under the control of media conglomerate or elites)- due to polarized system and the top-down hierarchy. Look at the ownership of media. Media is a tool for manipulation. Cannot be denied that media does not have effect as the very moment you are exposed to the media. Misuse media distort the original value of media MSM is a polarized system, meaning one-way information to be transmitted/ passed down. This is a situation known as Agenda-setting. Diffusion of information People see Mainstream media (MSM) as an avenue to transmit / bridge between the public and government. Some see MSM as a tool used by those who are in power, i.e. global company owner, the government, private sector. Media are supporting roles in govt policies Acts + Media ownership Æ’Â   limit / put constraints http://www.mediaprima.com.my/aboutus/our_profile2.aspx Media Prima- leading integrated media investment group. (media conglomerate) own 100% in TV3, NTV7, TV8, TV9, NSTP (The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad)Æ’Â   NST, The Malay Mail Berita Harian, harian Metro, Fly fm, Hot Fm, One fm Clearly show media are generally/ widely use to propagate govt ideology Discussion part: usage Æ’Â   emergence of new media Audience are not passive. Relaisation whos behind the mediaÆ’Â   increase erosion of the medias credibility Demand for greater transparency, accountability and democracy. Demand for proof / seek reinforcement) Some responded that mainstream media fails to meet the communication needs of certain groups (esp minority) Media is merely a tool To use it wisely or to misuse it (distort it) is up to an individual and the As long as it is under the grasp of the government, freedom of speech can never be truly realised!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Can virtue be taught? Essay -- essays research papers

lthough today's society includes much technology and new things are supposedly being discovered every day, many age old questions still remain unanswered; questions such as: "Can virtue be taught?" This question is examined in detail throughout Plato's Meno, and although the play leaves the question as to what virtue is unanswered, Socrates attempts an answer to Meno's question. Although he is not particularly keen on answering whether virtue can be taught without first having a complete understanding of what virtue is, he attempts to please Meno by solving this in the way that geometers conduct their investigations, through a hypothesis. Socrates states that if indeed virtue can be taught then one thing will happen, and if it cannot a different thing will happen. In the end of the play, the conclusion is reached that virtue is a gift from the gods. Now the question must be asked: how was this conclusion reached in relationship to Socrates' previous hypothesis? It is thought by Meno that men cannot be taught anything but knowledge, therefore, virtue must be a kind of knowledge in order to be taught. This corresponds with the hypothesis because the conclusion can be reached that, if virtue is knowledge then it can be taught, but if it is not knowledge then it is impossible to teach. However, this leads to a new question that must be answered before a conclusion can be reached: is virtue knowledge? It is later stated that, if knowledge includes all aspects of realit...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis of the poem Essay

The poem Originally by Carol Ann Duffy talks about the issue of culture identity. The poem talks about change, memories, and anxiety which occurs when moving. This is conveyed through the experiences of a young girl in the poem who is reluctant to leave what she knows behind. This is made apparent through the theme of memory and the continual change of setting. The title Originally sets the tone for the poem as there change needs to occur for there to be an ‘original’. This choice of diction allows for an expectation for what the journey will be about, while the ambiguity of the poem is written in such a way that personal experiences can be projected upon the protagonist. The aspect of the poem through tone however creates a bias towards negative emotions and experiences due to the despondent tone throughout the first two stanzas. This atmosphere of loss is aided through the use of negative emotive diction such as ‘bawling’ and ‘resigned’. By showing that the protagonist’s brothers are crying, Duffy illustrates how hard this is for them as crying is usually only brought on by major or sad events and loss, ‘resigned’ is used to show how she has accepted her fate, but it doesn’t mean she likes it. This association of emotions with the diction allows for empathy to occur towards the protagonist and her unsure feelings about her emigration. The theme of cultural identity is used in the poem in order to instil a sense of not belonging. This feeling of unease and unhappiness is introduced through the use of ‘bawling’ as this change from the place where they are comfortable and belong to the new one is both painful and confusing for them. The use of italics however, in the repetition of ‘Home’ as well as the capitalisation of it, emphasises it’s importance to them and their desire to return to it. The use of a blind toy by Duffy can be used as a metaphor towards the protagonists new life, where, although the toy is blind, it still has eyes. The foreshadowing could be that when the protagonist moves she will be blinded by everything which is new so that she doesn’t become overwhelmed by it. She will continue to be blind to the beauty of her new home so long as she is yearning for her old one. However, once she is ready her ‘sight’ will return and she will start to forget her cultural identity. At the time, the girl doesn’t want this however, so she is clinging onto a toy to maintain her memories of home. Additionally, a toy is associated with childhood, so the clinging onto it may represent how she doesn’t want to grow up and leave her comforts behind. By saying in the second stanza that ‘all childhood is emigration’, Duffy allows for immediate relation to the protagonists situation. This is due to the journey of growing up to adulthood which is a worldwide experience, as well as referring to physical emigration of moving from one place to another. Improtantly however, the emigration of childhood is all made without the acceptance of the person moving, they cannot stop growing older, and parents make the ultimate decisions. This unease and the inability to understand the need to move is reinforced by the location of her new home where ‘no one you know stays. ‘ This introduces the tone of isolation which is reinforced by having the wrong accent, and ‘shouting words you don’t understand’ which immediately marks a person as being from a different area, even though the move could have been within the same country of city, the accent and slang changes. The introduction of ‘big boys’ shows that she is intimidated by people from the area who are older and bigger as she doesn’t know how they will react, this is reinforced by the alliteration present through the repetition of the hard ‘d’, continuing the feeling of intimidation which the protagonist encounters. A continuation of the alliteration in sibilance, ‘seeing your brother swallow a slug, feel only a skelf of shame,’ provides an insight that the protagonist is slightly proud of her brothers for adapting so well to the environment, which is then applied to herself in a continuation of sibilance in combination with a simile in that she ‘remembers (her) tongue shedding it’s skin like a snake, my voice in the classroom sounding just like the rest. ‘ This shows that she is also now adapting to her environment, reinforced by the fact that a shed skin is natural for a snake, and this adaptation is normal, although slightly unwanted. The last stanza’s change in tone shows how the protagonist has changed with age. This allows for a time skip to take place into a time when she is more mature and able to reflect upon the journey easily, although with some regret. This is expressed through rhetorical questions beginning with the use of ‘Do I only think,’ in line 20, which builds up an atmosphere of longing and wistfulness. There is also a tone of uncertainty in there, as she doesn’t know if she had remained in the place if the feelings of belonging would have remained, which is why she only questions and doesn’t outright believe that staying would have been the best option for her. The rhyming of the words ‘first space’ and ‘right place’ reinforces the doubt she feels about her cultural identity. The continued doubt of the protagonist’s cultural identity which occurs in lines 23 and 24, illustrates how she will continue to try and find the answers throughout her life as she will never be truly certain of who she is, creating a sense of not belonging. Although emigration is a hard thing to experience, Duffy illustrates that trying to maintain a cultural identity through such a process may cause problems later. The continued rejection of the new culture illustrates how much of an outsider it makes the protagonist feel later in life, which could have been avoided if it had been readily embraced. The place which she originates from will always have a draw, however, the acceptance of a new culture viewed as a new part of a personal culture, would be much easier to accept than a replacement to the old one.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Tips for Appealing a College Rejection Decision

Tips for Appealing a College Rejection Decision If youve been rejected from a college, theres a chance that you can and should appeal that rejection letter. In many cases, however, an appeal is really not appropriate and you should respect the colleges decision. If you decide that you do want to attempt an appeal, be sure to consider the suggestions below. A poorly executed appeal is simply a waste of your time and the admissions offices time. Should You Appeal Your Rejection? Its important to begin this article with what is probably a discouraging reality check: In general, you shouldnt challenge a rejection letter. Decisions are nearly always final, and you are most likely wasting your time and the time of the admissions folks if you appeal. Before you decide to appeal, make sure that you have a  legitimate reason to appeal a rejection. Being angry or frustrated or feeling like you were treated unfairly are not reasons to appeal. If, however, you have significant new information that will strengthen your application, or you know of a clerical error that might have hurt your application, an appeal might be appropriate. Tips for Appealing Your Rejection First, try to find out why you were rejected. This can be done with a polite phone call or email message to your admissions representative. When contacting the admissions office, a little humility can be helpful. Dont challenge the admissions decision or suggest that the school made the wrong decision. You are simply trying to learn about any weaknesses the college found in your application.If you find you were rejected for something that hasnt changed- grades, SAT scores, lack of depth in extracurricular activities- thank the admissions officer for his or her time, and move on. An appeal isnt going to be appropriate or helpful.The admissions officers werent wrong in their decision, even if you think they were. Suggesting they were wrong will simply make them defensive, make you appear arrogant, and hurt your cause.If you are appealing because of an administrative error from your high school (grades reported incorrectly, a misdirected letter, miscalculated class rank, etc.), present the error in your letter, and accompany your letter with a letter from your high school counselor to legitimize your claim. Have your school send a new official transcript if appropriate. If you have new information to share, make sure it is significant. If your SAT scores went up 10 points or your GPA climbed .04 points, dont bother appealing. If, on the other hand, you just had your best quarter ever in high school by far, or you got back SAT scores that were 120 points higher, this information is worth sharing.  The same can be said for extracurricular activities and awards. A participation certificate for a spring soccer camp is not going to make the school reverse a rejection decision. Learning that you made the All-American team, however, is worth sharing.  Always be polite and appreciative. Recognize that the admissions officers have a tough job, and that you realize how competitive the process is. At the same time, reaffirm your interest in the school and present your meaningful new information.  An appeal letter need not be long. In fact, it is best to respect the busy schedules of the admissions folks and keep your letter brief and focused. A Final Word on Appealing a College Rejection These sample appeal letters can help guide you as you craft your own letter. Youll find examples of bad and good content for appeal letters. Use these samples wisely and make sure your letter is all your own. A plagiarized appeal letter is not going to make a college reverse its decision. Sample Good Appeal Letter for a College RejectionSample Bad Appeal Letter for a College Rejection Again, be realistic when approaching an appeal. You are unlikely to be successful, and in most cases an appeal is not appropriate. Many schools dont even consider appeals. In some cases, however, an appeal can succeed when your credentials have changed measurably. In cases of a significant procedural or clerical errors, it is worth talking with the admissions office about an appeal even if the school says it doesnt allow them. Most schools will give you a second look if you were hurt by a mistake made by your school or the college.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

French Attributive Adjectives - Adjectifs épithètes

French Attributive Adjectives - Adjectifs à ©pithà ¨tes Attributive adjectives are used to describe or emphasize some attribute (characteristic) of the noun they modify. Known as à ©pithà ¨tes in French, attributive adjectives are a subcategory of qualifying (descriptive) adjectives. The defining characteristic of attributive adjectives is that they are joined to the noun they modify - immediately preceding or following it with no verb in between. une jeune fille  Ã‚  Ã‚  young girlun nouveau livre  Ã‚  Ã‚  new bookune question intà ©ressante  Ã‚  Ã‚  interesting questionun restaurant cà ©là ¨bre  Ã‚  Ã‚  famous restaurant An attributive adjective emphasizes some aspect of the noun which is essential to the meaning of the noun but not necessarily to the sentence. That is, the à ©pithà ¨te can be dropped without changing the essential meaning of the sentence: Jai achetà © un nouveau livre rougeJai achetà © un nouveau livreJai achetà © un livre Both nouveau and rouge are attributive adjectives, and both can be dropped without hurting the essential meaning of the sentence: I bought a book. Including new and red simply provides additional information about the book that I bought. Types There are three types of attributive adjectives: Épithà ¨te de nature - indicates a permanent, inherent qualityun pà ¢le visage - pale faceune pomme rouge - red appleÉpithà ¨te de caractà ¨re - describes an individual, distinguishing qualityun cher ami - dear friendun homme honnà ªte - honest manÉpithà ¨te de circonstance - expresses a temporary, current qualityune jeune fille - young girlun garà §on triste - sad boy Agreement Attributive adjectives must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Placement Like all descriptive French adjectives, the majority of à ©pithà ¨tes follow the noun they modify. However, à ©pithà ¨tes precede the noun when: the adjective noun is considered a single unit of meaningthe adjective is describing rather than qualifying (limiting) the meaning of the nounit just sounds better As you can see, there are no hard and fast rules for determining whether an à ©pithà ¨te should precede or follow the noun it modifies, but there are some general guidelines that can help: Precede the noun Follow the noun pithtes de nature pithtes de circonstance Figurative or subjective meaning Literal or objective meaning Size and beauty(petit, grand, joli...) Other physical qualities(rouge, carr, costaud...) Single-syllable adjective +multi-syllable noun Multi-syllable adjective +single-syllable noun Ordinal adjectives(premier, deuxime...) Categories + relationships(chrtien, franais, essentiel...) Age(jeune, vieux, nouveau...) Present participles and past participlesused as adjectives (courant, lu...) Goodness(bon, mauvais...) Modified adjectives(un raisin grand comme un abricot)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Enterprise portal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enterprise portal - Essay Example It is web based. The technology behind this portal is Ext JS 4.0. This a pure and interactive JavaScript application framework for developing robust web applications exploiting techniques such as DHTML, Ajax and DOM scripting. From the web pages’ source code, it is clear that it is interoperable with jQuery and Prototype. It includes an optional architecture that provides a model view controller style of code organization. The portal has an overall superb usability experience. This is because the pages are arranged in a solid methodology coupled with proper tools. Also, all the components of the portal are working properly and together. Users can at a single glance access the university news or events and other coursework pages. The diagram below shows the layout of the pages and the components of the portal. The homepage shows two main tabs i.e. ‘My page’ and ‘Student Centre’. Under the ‘My Page’ tabs, users can access their degree progress, the enrollment date, class schedules, and financial aid, view their tuition account and also access to e-mail addresses, To-Do and holds summary, university news and events. In general, all the pages fit into a unified visual design and the flow of interaction hence providing a seamless user experience. This provides an ability for ease customization of the layout. This kind of portal aggregates information from various sources in one convenient page. Therefore users accessing the portal can reach important information such as campus news, campus events, the student center, degree progress, class schedules, and financial aid and can also view their tuition account. Each of these pages have different data sources that have been aggregated together so as to build up the portal. Therefore, for one to manage the data portal, data can be viewed, sorted and data sources filtered. The other data sources that have been

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Management Skills Development Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management Skills Development Plan - Term Paper Example As a group leader, I ensure that I know the person’s abilities and talents before delegating a job. I never overburden my team members or be impatient. For example, I make accommodation for personal preferences, existing work duties or family commitments. If a group member asks that he wants to do a particular job, I make sure that he gets that, considering it suits their abilities. My peers often appreciate my group management skills, complimenting how everyone is satisfied with the work that they have to do. I also practice good negotiation skills. Instead of openly negating opinions if I do not agree to it, I use a subtler approach. Where there is a conflict of opinions, rather than picking an argument, I try to negotiate with my team members, colleagues or senior authority. I start my statement by saying, â€Å"You may be correct Sir/Ma’am/Mr.†¦, but I think it should be†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . My peers are appreciative of my negotiating skills. I am also good at motivating others. If I know someone is good enough to perform a particular task, I would encourage him/her to pursue it. I would have a talk with that person, asking him/her to share his/her hesitations. For instance, I once motivated a coworker to pursue a project in kitchen designing on the basis that she was good at designing but never had the motivation to take it to the next level. Another one of my strengths is presentation-making. I enjoy researching, making presentations and adding animation and special effects to make the presentation interesting. As a result, my colleagues choose me after a general consensus to make presentations on behalf of the group. However, I also have certain weaknesses which prevent me from reaching optimum level of performance. Primarily, I have problems managing time. I have on occasion not managed to complete designated tasks on time. Meeting deadlines is a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Informtion Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Informtion Technology - Essay Example Larkin university faces the dual challenge of integrating itself into a university from a diverse group of colleges and at the same time deploying a technology blueprint to launch itself as a modern competitive educational institution. While traditional thinking may argue that technology deployment is a secondary tool-oriented task, modern approaches to information technology suggest that a sound IT strategy is not only a key enabler for the institutional plan but also an integrated part of it. As a result, â€Å"correct technologies† can â€Å"enable the required IS and corporate strategies to be achieved† (Clarke, 2001, p. 107). A failure in an organisation’s IT and IS strategy can translate into a failure for the organisation itself. A strategy for IT is closely aligned and integrated with the institutions overall strategy for growth and competitive advantage. Organisations typically have a slow response time to change, particularly so in the case of wide scale technology shifts. Larkin University has the unique ongoing challenge of combining existing collages into a university. This challenge could be turned into an advantage by using the new IT infrastructure as the vehicle of change. Laptops for staff, lecturers and students are just the end user side of the sea change in IT infrastructure and IS strategy taking place at the university. A productivity environment with standardised IT/IS platform and common email would free the users from issues of compatibility and delays in support of disparate systems. An institution-wide Internet availability would allow the university’s intranet to be accessed from anywhere. This higher productivity environment would enable the staff and lecturers to concentrate on their core functions. Standardised administrative applications such as scheduling, registration, fee, etc. can be deployed across the campus with minimum integration issues. Lecturers and students would interact and have access to their

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing theory and concepts Essay Example for Free

Marketing theory and concepts Essay Every business wither its small or big, aim to meet the needs of their actual and potential customers. In order for them to do this, they need to follow some sort of theory and concept. This assignment will be looking at the marketing theory and marketing concepts which are portrayed in the traditional marketing literature, and how they have limited application in guiding small business marketing practice. Marketing plays a vital role not only in developing, producing, and selling products or services, but also in guiding recruiting labors and raising capital. Although it can be said that successful entrepreneurs undertake marketing in unusual ways. They mainly rely on interactive marketing methods, which is often communicated through word-of-mouth rather than a more traditional marketing mix. Entrepreneurs monitor the marketplace through informal networks rather than formalised market research, and generally adopt more entrepreneurial approaches to marketing activities. However, depending on the business model, a complex and formalised initial market research can be crucial for a successful market entry. There are many marketing theories that are used in traditional marketing literature such as Schumpeter (1934) who said that entrepreneurs proactively created opportunity, using innovative combinations which often included creative destruction of passive or lethargic economic markets. According to Schumpeter the role of an entrepreneur is to innovate, and by doing this, you move the economy from one equilibrium to another. This kind of innovation could come about from one or more introduction of a new product; a new method of production; the development of a new market; the use of new sources of raw material, and the reorganisation of a new industry or its processes. He also distinguished between the entrepreneur and the capitalist. Schumpeter agreed with the fact, that in practice an innovator could also actually be a capitalist. Another well-known theorist next to Schumpeter is Kirzner (1973) who said that entrepreneurs should have a sense of alertness to identify the opportunities in the market and exploit them accordingly . He states The  pure entrepreneur, on the other hand, proceeds by his alertness to discover and exploit situations in which he is able to sell for high prices that which he can buy for low prices. Pure entrepreneur profit is the difference between the two sets of prices. The discovery of a profit opportunity means the discovery of something obtainable for nothing at all. No investment at all is required; the free ten-dollar bill is discovered to be already within one is grasps (Kirzner, 1973, 48). The marketing concept has changed significantly over time. In todays business world the customer is at the forefront, not all businesses in the past followed this concept, as they placed other factors first rather than their customers this is shown as follows:Production Oriented was the focus of the actual business and not the customer needs, as where this has now changed and we can see that it is more focused on customer needs. Production Orientation is when the company believe that they have a superior product, based on quality and features. Due to this thinking the company assume the customers will like it to. In todays market the customers decide as to what product they like. Sales Orientation is the focus where the company makes a product or provides a service, and then sells or offers it to the target market. This causes problems, as consumers may not like what is being offered to them, which is why companies are making sure that they test their services out, to a small group of the target audience. Market Orientation concept has not actually changed over time, it puts the customers first, as the companies try to understand the needs of the customers by using appropriate research methods. These methods are then developed to make sure information from customers, are fed back to the company for them to see what the target audience are interested in . SMEs who may adapt the marketing concept or 4Ps do so fully rather than explicitly (Carson and Gilmore, 2000). Jaworski and Kohli, (1990) also commented on the limitations of the marketing concept (p15). Therefore, the  SME approach is characterized by networking with stakeholders awareness to customer needs (Gilmore, Carson and Grant, 2001; Hill and Wright, 2001). Which is characterized by the size of these firms and their closeness to customers, (Gilmore, Carson, ODonnell and Cummins, 1999) as well as inexpensive forms of marketing such as word of mouth (Gilmore 1999). It is vital for SMEs to set the 4Ps, target a market and position themselves, but how this is done and planned is an important issue as it helps guiding a small business to success. Differences between traditional market literature and variants produced during the 1960s were mainly attributable to the addition of concepts popularized during that decade. For example, Cundiff and Still covered an analysis of the 4 Ps of marketing with the concept that marketing is a subsystem of business. (Cundiff, E.W., Still, R.R. 1976)The basic principles of marketing are generally applicable to large and small businesses. Marketing in SMEs has been recognized as a problematic area for researchers for over 20 years (Chaston and Mangles, 2002; Siu and Kirby, 1998). SME marketing in practice is considered to be mainly done though networking (Gilmore 2001) or a combination of transaction, relationship, interaction and network marketing (Brodie 1997). Recently the use of Internet marketing (Chaffey 2000) or e-commerce (Rayport and Jaworski, 2001) has become popular in all types of businesses including SMEs. Marketing in practice in small firms seem to rely mainly on personal contact networks (Hill and Wright, 2001; Gilmore 2001; Brodie 1997) and is often driven by the particular way a manager does business. According to Gilmore (2001) marketing in SMEs is likely to be chaotic, informal, loose, unstructured, spontaneous, and reactive and conform to industry norms. Gilmore (2001) showed that as a result of networking there was a high level of communication between the SME manager and their competitors then what is usually reported in the marketing literature as well as competing firms may be quite supportive of each other. Similarly, networking with customers usually involves building a relationship with one or two key individuals in those companies. If these individuals were to leave then the relationship the company would break (Gilmore 2001). SME owners must recognize that  building relationships are vital to a companys success and they invest a considerable amount of time and effort in maintaining good relations with regular clients (Gilmore 2001). The foundation and existence of an effective networking is concerned with maximizing marketing opportunities and ensuring the enterprises survival and development (Gilmore 2001). Something, which is more important, in todays world, is having a foot in the business market, which is constantly changing to meet customer needs. The tables have been turned on the fortunes of many long-established firms. Its believed that a majority of firms that are in trouble, and those that have failed recently, have done so because they have been let down by their own marketing. Traditional marketing is now being turned. The ideas of marketing and branding strategy that passed for conventional wisdom before do not hold true today. A small but growing number of innovative firms have adopted completely new and differentiate approaches in marketing, reflecting a clear and unmistakable change in the global culture. In this era of globalisation and the Internet the consumer is behaving in a radically different way and is no longer vulnerable to the overworked ploys of marketing. The present times call for a new competition one that strays from the prescriptions that traditional marketing theory holds, that sometimes works in a way that it is counter to it and that lays focus on network-building and pulling the customer above all else. Many experienced hands in corporate boardrooms are oblivious to these shifting sands and evolving trends, and are paying the price as a result. In general the basic principles and concepts of marketing are as relevant to SMEs as it is to larger firms, but some theories, tools and techniques of marketing are not as relevant or useful to SMEs. The nature of SME marketing is the concept, which is mainly dominated by the inherent characteristics of the entrepreneur and the SME itself. Although not all small business may take the marketing theories and concepts in to consideration, while carrying out some sort of market research they will have come a across them. They may have limited application in todays marketing world but they do provide the basis for which a business can start their research on which helps guiding them in to the marketing practice. Therefore marketing theories and Concepts  portrayed in the traditional marketing literature has limited application in guiding small business marketing practice although they give the business a rough base to start their market practice. Competition and Entrepreneurship, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and LondonCarson, D. and A. Gilmore, (2000), Marketing at the Interface: Not What But How', Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 8Kohli, A. K. and B. J. Jaworski, (1990), The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications, Journal of Marketing,(Gilmore, Carson and Grant, 2001; Hill and Wright, 2001). Gilmore, A., D. Carson and K. Grant (2001), SME Marketing in Practice, MarketingIntelligence and Planning, Vol. 19(Gilmore, Carson, ODonnell and Cummins, 1999) Added value: A QualitativeAssessment of SME Marketing, Irish Marketing Review(Cundiff, E.W., Still, R.R. 1976), Fundamentals of Modern Marketing, 2nd ed.)Chaston, I and Mangles, T. (2002) Small Business Marketing Management.Siu, W. and Kirby, D.A. (1998) Approaches to small firm marketing: A Critique. European Journal of Marketing, vol. 32, no. Brodie, R.J., Coviello, N.E., Brookes, R.W. and Little, V. (1997) Towards a Paradigm Shiftin Marketing? An Examination of Current Marketing Practices. Journal of Marketing Management,Chaffey, D., Mayer, R., Johnston, K. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2000) Internet Marketing. Prentice Hall, Harlow, EnglandRayport, J. F. and Jaworski, B. J. (2001) e-Commerce. McGraw-Hill, Boston, USA. Hill, J. and Wright, L. T. (2001) A Qualitative Research Agenda for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises. Marketing Intelligence and Planning,http://www.druid.dk/uploads/tx_picturedb/ds1998-9.pdfhttps://www.mises.org/journals/scholar/wood.pdfhttp://knight.fcu.edu.tw/~gunning/subjecti/workpape/kirz_ent.pdfBooksHandbook of Entrepreneurship Research and Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction By: Zoltan J Acs, David B

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Number system is used in IT applications

Number system is used in IT applications In this documentation I have discussed of how the application of number system is used in IT applications in both hardware and applications, operating system and in programming language. I have discussed about the use of base 2 in the 8 bit bytes form use with the operation for subnet. The use of hexadecimal form addressing memory and classless inter Domain Routing. There are number of different numbering system which is in use for the unique ability to represent different numbers. Binary, Octal, Denary and Hexadecimal are number systems that are used in different aspects Denary number is the most commonly used number system which is frequently used in daily life. Nevertheless each number system has associated benefits which are the reason that different number systems are used in different areas. Each of the number system has a fix number of representation of numbers which are used to represent the numbers like, say for example Binary numbers are represented by either one or zero, Octal numbers are represented by numbers from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 whereas Denary and Hexadecimal numbers are represented by the number of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0, 1,2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, respectively. Binary Numbers Binary numbers are mostly used when there are only two options available so if one is false then the other is true. Examples of binary system can be their usage to represent bits in a computer which can have only 0 or 1 value a switch in a electric circuit which can be either on (1) or off (0). Binary system is widely used to represent situations in everyday normal life as well for example for electronic gates in electricity circuits, false or true statements can also be displaced in terms of binary digits where 0 represents false and 1 represents true states. Denary Numbers Denary numbers are frequently used in everyday life in accounting, calendar systems, financial systems or daily routine counting. The main benefits of Denary number system is that they are easier to use as compared to other number systems and have more number to present different situations though Hexadecimal number system has more representations but that representation can include characters in them as well which makes them more difficult to understand and use as compare to denary system. Denary number systems are so frequently used that a person even do not need to have a formal education to know or use them. One of the reasons can be that it is frequently use in daily life accounting. Other number systems are used in more specified fields such as computing and hence would need to be learned. Octal Numbers Octal numbers are not that commonly used as compared to other numbers and are mostly used in computing graphics, text and famous operating system such as UNIX also uses octal numbers for their file protection system. Octal numbers have total of 8 unique representations which can be combined together to make more octal number representations. Octal numbers are difficult to understand for a normal person who has limited number of understanding about the number system. As after 7 different numbers are used to represent numbers from 7 onwards and hence they seem physically bit difficult to comprehend. The number system needs to use a subscript of 8 with is number to represented they are not Denary but octal number otherwise confusion can easily occurred. Hexadecimal Number System Hexadecimal number are used where there are more options which needs to be represented off and are mostly commonly used in computing to represent different memory locations. Since binary, octal and hexadecimal have representations which are powers of 2 (power of 0 in binary, 3 in octal and 4 in hexadecimal) hence that makes them more suitable to different situations, which require different number representations. They are positively contributing to the daily life and to the technology and logical world as well and needs to be understood properly if one needs to take advantage of such technology. Whilst the above gives uses of the binary, octal and hex number systems in different areas of IT and while some example are given the manager encourages you to research a wide range of examples for him to look at. Binary Number System used in ASCII table and IP Address   Binary number system are also used in the ASCII table to represent different codes for different characters which then can be used into computing as well. ASCII number is more like a combination of binary numbers. Binary numbers are also used in IP addressing system again which is a combination of Binary number and are used in computing field. These IP addresses are of two different versions now one is known as IP 4 and other one is known as IP 6. These IP addresses are further sub divided into different classes such as class A, B and C where each class has a different number of hosts and network address. The ASCII character set, each binary value between 0 and 127 is given a specific character. Most computers extend the ASCII characters set to use the full range of 256 characters available in a byte. The upper 128 characters handle special things like accented characters from common foreign languages. In ASCII character set, each character is represented by 7 bits when stored in the computer and in an extended ASCII character set, each character is represented by 8 bits. Say for example: ASCII 0000000 represents NULL Similar the word ‘HELLO if converted into binary using the ASCII to binary conversation could be represented as follows. 01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111(in decimal   72 69 76 79) Please refer an ASCII character table for further understanding of this conversion. Octal numbering system for file protection in UNIX Every file or folder in UNIX has access permission. There are three types of permissions (what allowed to do with a file): Read Access Write Access Execute Access Permissions are defined for three types of users: The owner of the file The group that the owner belongs to Other users Thus, UNIX file permission are nine bits of information (3 types x 3 type of users), each of them may have just one of two values: allowed or denied. Simply put, for each file it can be specified who can read or write from/to the file. For programs or scripts it also can be set if they are allowed to be executed. Textual representation like â€Å"-rwxr-r-â€Å" It is used in UNIX long directory listings. It consists of 10 characters. The first character shows the file type. Next 9 characters are permissions, consisting of three groups: owner, groups, others. Each group consists of three symbols: rwx (in this order), if some permission is denied, then a dash â€Å"-â€Å"is used instead. For example -rrwxrr- 0123456789 Symbol in the position 0 (â€Å"-â€Å") is the type of the file. It is either â€Å"d† if the item is a directory or †l† if it is a link, or - if the item is a regular file. Symbols in positions 1 to 3 (rwx) are permissions for the owner of the file. Symbols in positions 4 to 6 (r) are permissions for the group. Symbols in positions 7 to 9 (r) are permissions for others. r Read access is allowed w Write access is allowed x Execute access is allowed Replaces r, w or x if according access type is denied Numeric (octal) representation like â€Å"664† If a numeric representation is used (like in chmod-command, for example), then it is in the octal format (with the base of 8), and digits involved are 0 to 7. Octal format is used for the simplicity of understanding: every octal digit combines read, write and execute permissions together. Respective access rights for owner group and others (in this order) are the last three digits of the numeric file permissions representation. Example: â€Å"0644†. Here the second digit (â€Å"6† in the example) stands for rights of the owner, the third digit (â€Å"4† in the example) stands for rights of the group, the fourth digit (â€Å"4† in the example) stands for rights of others. The below tales show what numeric values mean: Octal digit Text equivalent Binary value Meaning 0 000 All types of access are denied 1 x 001 Execute access is allowed only 2 -w- 010 Write access is allowed only 3 -wx 011 Write and execute access are allowed 4 r 100 Read access is allowed only 5 r-x 101 Read and execute access are allowed 6 rw- 110 Read and write access are allowed 7 rwx 111 Everything is allowed According to the above table we can see that â€Å"1† stands for execute only, â€Å"2† stands for write only, â€Å"4†stands for read only. To combine the permission you can simply add 1, 2 and 4 to get a needed combination. For instance, to get read and write permission, you add 4 (read) and 2 (write), thus getting 6 (read and write). To get read and execute permissions, you add 4 (read) and 1 (execute), this getting 5 (read and execute). Example: 755 on a file would mean rwx r-x r-w permission on the file. Simply convert the octal number to the binary equivalent and enable the permission where the bits are 1. 755 would mean 111 101 101 In addition there is one more octet representing the Set user ID, set group ID, sticky bit which works in a similar way. Octal digit Binary value Meaning 0 000 setuid, setgid, sticky bits are cleared 1 001 sticky bit is set 2 010 setgid bit is set 3 011 setgid and sticky bits are set 4 100 setuid bit is set 5 101 setuid and sticky bits are set 6 110 setuid and setgid bits are set 7 111 setuid, setgid, sticky bits are set Explain the use of binary in IP addressing for both V4 and V6? Use of binary in IP addressing for V4: Each IP in a V4 IP addressing consists of 32 bits. These 32 bits are divided into 4 octets of 8 bits each. An IP address is represented like this: A computer can understand only binary values and therefore each IP is stored in binary. Each octet is represented as follows. For example if the value of the first octet is 128, it would be represented as follows: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Therefore an IP would be stored as follows: 10000000 10000000 10000000 10000000 Use of binary in IP addressing for V6: While IPv4 allows 32 bits for an Internet Protocol address, and can therefore support 232 (4,294,967,296) addresses, IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, so the new address space supports 2128(3.4 x 1038) addresses. This expansion allows for many more devices and user on the internet as well as extra flexibility in allocating addresses and efficiency for routing traffic. The IPv6 128-bit address is divided along 16-bit boundaries. Each 16-but block is then converted to a 4-digit hexadecimal number, separated by colons. The resulting representation is called colon-hexadecimal. This is in contrast to the 32-bit IPv4 address represented in dotted-decimal format, divided along 8-bit boundaries, and then converted to its decimal equivalent, separated by periods. The following example shows a 128-bit IPv6 address in binary form: 0010000111011010000000001101001100000000000000000010111100111011 0000001010101010000000001111111111111110001010001001110001011010 The following example shows this same address divided along 16-bit boundaries: 0010000111011010  Ã‚   0000000011010011  Ã‚   0000000000000000  Ã‚   00101111001110110000001010101010  Ã‚   0000000011111111  Ã‚   1111111000101000  Ã‚   1001110001011010 The following example shows each 16-bit block in the address converted to hexadecimal and delimited with colons. 21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A IPv6 representation can be further simplified by removing the leading zeros within each 16-bit block. However, each block must have at least a single digit. The following example shows the address without the leading zeros: Javascript:CodeSnippet_CopyCode(‘CodeSnippetContainerCode3); 21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A Binary in describing class A, B and C IP addresses The class of the address determines which part belongs to the network address and which part belongs to the node address. All nodes on a given network share the same network prefix but must have a unique host number. Class A Network binary address start with 0, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere from 1 to 126. The first 8 bits (the first octet) identify the network and the remaining 24 bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class A IP address is, where 102 identifies the network and 168.212.226 identifies the host on that network. Class B Network binary addresses start with 10, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere from 128 to 191. (The number 127 is reserved for loopback and is used for internal testing on the local machine.) The first 16 bits (the first two octets) identify the network and the remaining 16 bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class B IP address is where 168.212 identifies the network and 226.204 identifies the host on that network. Class C Network binary addresses start with 110, therefore the decimal number can be anywhere from 192 to 223. The first 24 bits (the first three octets) identify the network and the remaining 8 bits indicate the host within the network. An example of a Class C IP address is where 200.168.212 identifies the network and 226 identifies the host on that network. Hexadecimal for addressing memory Memory addresses are displayed as two hex numbers. An example is C800:5.   The part to the left of the colon (C800) is called the segment address, and the part to the right of the colon (5) is called the offset. The offset value can have as many as four hex digits. The actual memory address is calculated by adding a zero to the right of the segment address and adding the offset value, like this: C800:5 = C8000 + 5 = C8005 C8005   is called as the absolute or linear address of the memory. Similarly F000:FFFD can be computed to get the following memory address. F0000 + FFFD FFFFD   or   1,048,573(decimal) The Segment: Offset addressing was introduced at a time when the largest register in a CPU was only 16-bitslong which meant it could address only 65,536 bytes (64 KB) of memory, directly. But everyone was hungry for a way to run much larger programs! Rather than create a CPU with larger register sizes (as some CPU manufacturers had done), the designers at Intel decided to keep the 16-bit registers for their new 8086 CPU and added a different way to access more memory: They expanded the instruction set, so programs could tell the CPU to grouptwo 16-bit registers together whenever they needed to refer to an Absolute memory location beyond 64 KB. Classless Inter Domain Routing Classless Inter Domain Routing. CIDR was invented several years ago to keep the internet from running out of IP addresses. The classful system of allocating IP addresses is very wasteful. Anyone who could reasonably show a need for more that 254 host addresses was given a Class B address block of 65533 host addresses. Even more wasteful were companies and organisations that were allocated Class A address blocks, which contain over 16 Million host addresses! Only a tiny percentage of the allocated Class A and Class B address space has ever been actually assigned to a host computer on the Internet. CIDR specifies an IP address range using a combination of an IP address and its associated network mask. CIDR notation uses the following format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/n where n is the number of (leftmost) 1 bits in the mask. For example, applies the network mask to the 192.168 network, starting at This notation represents the address range Compared to traditional class-based networking, represents an aggregation of the two Class C subnets and each having a subnet mask of In other words, = +